Monday, January 12, 2009

Headaches - What a Pain! Homeopathy Helps

The subject of headaches is a vast one, but needn’t be elusive. Homeopathy has a reputation for addressing headaches squarely without side effects and worsening of the person in general.

The first step in bringing the person to a better state of being is to stop taking analgesics. Tylenol, aspirin and their derivatives admittedly remove the pain, but only to suppress the illness and throw it into the future with greater vitality. Homeopathy, on the other hand, is reputed for not only relieving the headaches, but eliminating them permanently for the future. Homeopathy addresses all illness on an individual basis, so headache relief needs to be addressed in the same way.

Read through the following remedies and choose the best one for your situation. Then take a dose every hour until relief is sustained. When relief is at hand, stop. Let’s look at the top remedies for this malady:

The first remedy to consider for headaches that are in the face is Kali Bichromium30. These headaches present above or between the eyebrows or start over one eye, then travel to the other or reside at the root of the nose. These are the headaches of a sinus nature that respond to a barometric pressure change and are made worse on stooping. If this cluster of symptoms exists, not only will the remedy eliminate the present pain, but will make the next similar headache a longer distance away from the present one and less painful . Eventually, and not too far distant in the future, the pain will not appear at all.

For headaches that come after eating rich foods, such as ice-cream, the best remedy is Pulsatilla 30. These headaches often affect women and girls and particularly those of a more feminine nature. Another remedy useful for the after effects of eating too many rich foods is Nux vomica 30. It is often due to indigestion, constipation or too many laxatives or other medicaments. This remedy should be taken twice daily for a few days until the pain disappears. Now, unless more drugs are ingested, the pain will not return.

If the headache presents after grief, sorrow, emotion or worry, the sufferer will find relief from Ignatia 30, named after St. Ignatius.

Consider the remedy Belladonna 30 when the headache is as a result of too much sun, when the face is red and flushed, with throbbing in the head and particularly in the veins and arteries.

Gelsemium 30 is your remedy when a headache is brought on by anticipatory anxiety. This can be common with children who are afraid of being on stage for a school play or for an adult who has to appear in front of a crowd. It is infallible for the headaches of ministers, courtroom lawyers and politicians.
The headaches of the gravest degree, however, are those called migraines. This is a category in itself and often requires expert homeopathic care. I find that the most common remedy to offer relief is Iris 30. These headaches are those that come on periodically, such as every week or month and are ushered in with ocular disturbances, such as blurred vision. There is often nausea and vomiting with throbbing, shooting pain in the forehead and a profuse amount of saliva.. There can also be pulsing pain through out the body and include burning in the anus with straining and bearing down.

This is but a small sampling of the most valuable remedies in the homeopath’s arsenal, but an excellent place to start for the novice. After you feel better, consider homeopathy for all of your family’s ailments. Purchase a kit of remedies, homeopathy books, CD’s and take courses to learn as much as you can about this powerful method. Then when everything is put in order, prepare for a short duration of pain when you use the most intelligent medicine on the earth….Homeopathy.

By: Joette Calabrese

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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Treatment of Migraine Headaches Using Natural Methods

What is Migraine Headaches?

Migraine Headaches are paroxysmal ailments, that are accompanied by a severe headache. The headache normally occurs on one side of the head. Migraine is associated with disorders of digestion, liver, and sight. Migraine headaches occur sometimes due to great mental tension and stress. Migraine headache patients are typically smart, inflexible, disciplined. Sudden migraine attacks may occur due to overworked muscles in the head and neck and due to continuous stress.


Natural treatment methods for migraine headaches are usually harmless and also cheaper than traditional pain medications. Sure, it's possible you could experience a negative reaction or even increase your headache pain because of a natural treatment, but the odds are far less than with pain-relieving medications.

Chiropractic adjustments, or chiropractic manipulations, are a very popular natural treatment method for headache relief. Patients with migraine headaches have been visiting chiropractors for over 100 years, and with very good results. Studies have shown that over 80% of headache patients find relief with chiropractic care. Plus, chiropractic treatment has been shown to be extremely safe. Spinal problems do cause headaches and by correcting these spinal problems many headache sufferers find welcome relief.

Biofeedback is another form of treatment that is safe and can be effective in eliminating pain. Biofeedback is a training program designed to help a person develop the ability to control their autonomic (involuntary) nervous system. Functions that are normally automatic can be controlled voluntarily. This technique makes it possible for a person to control their own heart rate, blood pressure, skin temperature, and of course, the relaxation of their tense muscles.

Abortive: The goal of abortive therapy is to prevent a migraine attack or to stop it once it starts. The prescribed medications stop a headache during its prodrome stage or once it has begun and may be taken as needed. Some can be administered as a self-injection into the thigh; others, as a wafer that melts on the tongue. These forms of medication are especially useful for people who vomit during a migraine, and they work quickly.

Preventive: This type of treatment is considered if a migraineur has more than 1 migraine per week. The goal is to lessen the frequency and severity of the migraine attacks. Medication to prevent a migraine can be taken daily.

Some alternative methods are there, such as acupuncture and the use of certain herbs, can help some people. However, it is important to ask your physician about alternative medicines before trying them for yourself. This is especially true of herbal treatments because they can interfere with more traditional methods of treatment.


The solution to the disease is to take progesterone and avoid estrogen intake. Estrogen may come in the form of birth control pills, hormone replacement, herbs, foods or synthetic chemicals that mimic estrogen. Progesterone opposes the effect of estrogen and resensitizes the body's estrogen receptors back to normal.

By: smita sahoo

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Reference: Healthonlclick

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Your Natural Relief to Migraine

"I've got a headache." This is one common phrase that we normally hear, and it is not something we should make fun of. There are twenty five million Americans who suffer from migraines, and 75% of these are women. It's a good thing that there are natural remedies for us to ease the pain and to permanently eliminate migraine.
Migraine could last between 6 and 48 hours. It could sometimes leave the person bedridden and unable to function well. There are many symptoms of migraines, but there is always intense throbbing pain included, but it is usually on just one side of the head.
Although the specific causes of migraines are still unknown, some thought that it might be because of inflammation, which comes from stress, hormonal changes especially during the times of puberty, menstruation or ovulation, MSG, alcohol, caffeine or eating certain kinds of foods like chocolate.
There are two main types of migraine headaches, common and classic. A common migraine without an aura is generally less painful than the classic variety with auras, and most people, about 80% fall under this category. An aura is an array of visual disturbances that occur shortly before a headache, and these auras are mostly accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
Ocular migraine has a similar aura experience with the classic migraine but it occurs with only one eye, followed by a headache, the two types of headaches are often confused. The symptoms are just temporary and won't be harmful to the eye, unlike ocular migraines; it can interfere with your eyes in terms of reading and driving.
Those who suffer from migraines can find relief by lying down in a cool, dark and quiet place, or by applying cold compresses or an ice pack. The headache they are feeling will usually ease down after a nap or a good night of sleep.
Once you are already free from the painful migraine, it's wise of you to know how to prevent it from happening again. You can start off, by changing your lifestyle, and this can eventually eliminate your migraines. You can begin this, by living a less stressful life. In the long run, you will find it worth of your time.
The next thing for you to do is to have a regular moderate exercise program and to switch to a healthier migraine-free diet. You have to avoid foods that may trigger headache symptoms. These include certain foods and drinks, such as, caffeine, sodas, processed grains, chocolates, sugar and sweetened foods like cookies, cereals and cakes. These foods can be addictive and soon, you will have to wean yourself from these foods.
You have to learn to enjoy eating a whole food diet with lots of nutritious vegetables, whole grain, fruits, lean protein and water. This is an essential step in your migraine-free diet. To reduce inflammation and to eliminate the pain, a high quality of omega 3 fish oil supplement is needed.
It is great that people who suffer from migraines are able to naturally apply a change of lifestyle to eliminate their migraines and to live a life with much less stress as well. It always feels good to be migraine free!

By: Michael Byrd..

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Migraine Headaches - Better Known Alternative and Customary Remedies

If you suffer from migraines and want to learn more about them along with information on choosing a migraine headache treatment, read on.

An Introduction to the Causes of Migraines

A migraine is a headache that prevents you from continuing with your normal everyday activities. It's a common condition and affects up to 15 percent of the population. Women appear to be more vulnerable than men, and it's thought that a predisposition to migraines runs in families.

While the exact cause of migraines is unknown, it's believed to start when serotonin is released into the bloodstream. But, what triggers that serotonin release? Some experts chalk it up to stress, others to poor diet and still others to everything from environmental stimulants to hormones.

Diagnosing a Migraine

The most obvious symptom of a migraine is the throbbing and almost unbearable pain behind your eyes. Most migraine sufferers complain that they're extra sensitive to light, smell and various sounds - often wishing they could escape to a dark and quiet room. Some migraine suffers complain of nausea and vomiting as well.

How Migraines are Treated

Most migraines are treated on an as-needed basis, meaning once the pain occurs then a treatment is sought. Typically, migraine sufferers reach for an acetaminophen or strong pain killer.

Unfortunately, using drugs to address the pain of a migraine is not an effective treatment method. Instead, people suffering from them should focus on preventive care.

The most common preventive method is to eliminate foods that may trigger migraines like caffeine (in any form), alcohol, nitrites, coffee and cheeses. In addition to eliminating these foods, you should also focus on increasing your magnesium aspartate and Vitamin B levels.

The next most effective method of reducing the instance of migraines is by reducing daily stress levels. Try to exercise every day and engage in relaxation or meditation breathing. You could sign up for a Yoga class or simply relax each day to a meditative tape.

Butterbur Root

Butterbur root is an herb, but has been clinically demonstrated to be effective in preventing migraine headaches when taken daily. Sufferers are advised to take between 50-100 mg every day, twice a day. Possible side effects include itchy eyes, diarrhea, pruritis, and stomach upset. Butterbur root can be toxic to the liver and kidneys, so make sure you buy the kind approved for human consumption.


Though originally intended to treat colds and flus, feverfew has caught on as an effective migraine headache treatment. It's also used to help with menopausal symptoms.

Not only can feverfew prevent the instances of a migraine headache, but it can also alleviate the symptoms as they happen.

By: Trevor Price

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