Wednesday, October 29, 2008

There Are Many Solid Cures For Headaches

Facts about headaches

There are many cures for headaches.  The relief and prevention of headaches can be obtained through a variety of medicines depending upon the origin of the pain.  There are headache pills which are taken with water, disintegrating pills which are taken without water, and both are taken by mouth.  In addition, subcutaneous injections (shots taken underneath the skin), nasal spray, and rectal suppositories are all methods for curing headaches.  You can let your doctor know which method of cure that you would prefer.  Antiepileptics, beta-blockers, antidepressants, and seretonergics are used to treat people who suffer from migraine headaches. 

There are various factors to be considered before a cure for a headache is prescribed.  It basically depends on the condition of the patient.  Some patients can be prescribed a medication for quick relief of their headache while others may experience nausea or drowsiness which has to be taken into consideration as well.  So the doctor may have to try a patient out on different medications before deciding what to prescribe for their headache.

As an extra measure to find cures for headaches which are plaguing you, be sure to take your medication as the doctor has prescribed.  Take no more or no less of a dosage than is prescribed.  Also make sure that the medicine has had a chance to work before giving up on it.  One other consideration is to stay away from things which are aggravating to you. 

Natural cures for headaches are very popular with some people.  Check with your doctor first and make sure that your headaches are not due to a serious condition.  These natural remedies are meant for everyday ordinary headaches.  For instance, your headaches may be caused by caffeine, or food such as certain cheeses or red wine.  Computer screen glare, or certain smells may even trigger a headache.  Naturally, in these cases you would simply have to try to avoid the cause.  Another cause for a headache could be dehydration.  Always try to manage to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day.

Other cures for headaches can be a relaxing warm bath, walking or other exercise, as well as acupuncture

, and acupressure.  You may be pleasantly surprised at how effective these methods can be.

Source: Free Articles from

about the author

Matt D Murren owns and operates Cures For Headaches

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