Monday, November 3, 2008


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The topic of headaches is vast as there are many causes as well as types of headaches, causing most doctors to shudder at the mere presentation of a headache patient. Nonetheless, there remains hope for many with proper diagnosis and treatment. Lets start by discussing the most common and least harmful type, stress headache. This is often associated with tightness, which is band like around the head and often into the neck. These are often alleviated with stress reduction and increase in exercise. The more chronic type would be best managed with treatment. Headaches that have a throbbing component are typically migrainous headaches. Migraine sufferers typically know when they are getting a headache as they get an aura, (seeing wavy lines, stars, etc.) just prior to the headache. As this is a serious medical condition, individuals with these types of headaches should always seek care. Many will respond favorably to non-drug treatments. Those who do not would be candidates for drug therapies. Similarly, individuals often have headaches associated with high blood pressure. You should have your blood pressure checked routinely when visiting a doctor of any type. If you do not frequent your doctor, most shopping centers now have free pressure monitors that you can use. Units for purchase are also readily available and inexpensive, especially in consideration of the preponderance of high blood pressure and the costs of managing it compared to prevention. HBP will typically respond well to weight loss and exercise, however, if you already have HBP, you should work with a doctor regarding an appropriate exercise regimen as overexertion with HBP can be equally as dangerous. Many individuals with severe headaches assume inappropriately that their headache must be the result of a tumor, although in realty, the vast majority of severe headaches are not related to tumors, which will rarely cause headache pain if at all. Although there are many other types of headaches, these are the most common. Our office has a very high success rate treating these types of headaches without necessitating the use of drug therapies. There is also much more detailed information on headaches available on my website which is listed below.

Dr. Scopelliti has over 1000 hours in post doctoral neurology, and is a board certified chiropractic neurologist, practicing at the 279 Professional Arts Bldg at the rear of Monmouth Medical Center, in Long Branch, NJ. He is also currently the president of the NJ Chiropractic Council on Neurology. With over ten years specializing, his office focuses on the drug free management of patients with vertigo, dizziness, balance loss, presyncope, dystonia and headaches, as well as other cognitive disorders. Dr. Scopelliti offers a free no obligation consultation to discuss your problem prior to the commencement of any examination/treatment. The office can be reached at (732) 229-5250 to arrange a free consultation, ($75 value). This includes a free balance test/fall risk screen. Dr. Scopelliti has a wealth of information updated weekly on the web at We also have a wonderful new Guest Book page, with comments posted from real patients. Just go to the guestbook link at the top of the home page to view them.

About the Author:

Dr. Scopelliti has over 1000 hours in postdoctoral neurology, and is a board certified chiropractic neurologist, practicing at the 279 Professional Arts Bldg at the rear of Monmouth Medical Center, in Long Branch, NJ. He is also currently the president of the NJ Chiropractic Council on Neurology, (website: With over twenty years of practice, ten of those years specializing in neurology, his office focuses on the drug free management of patients with vertigo, dizziness, balance loss, presyncope, dystonia, various stages of coma, and many other neurologic as well as behavioral and cognitive disorders. Dr. Scopelliti is an author and lecturer of postdoctoral neurology, and has also written several software applications for vestibular rehabilitation; Because of the nature of our practice and the high level of difficulty involved with the types of patients seen, our office customarily sees patients from several states for consultation and/or co-management. Dr. Scopelliti offers a free no obligation consultation including a balance test/risk of fall analysis prior to the commencement of any examinations or treatment. The office can be reached at (732) 229-5250 to arrange a free consultation, ($75 value), and balance screen. Dr. Scopelliti has a wealth of information updated weekly on the web at Visit our Guest Book link at to see what real patients have had to say.

Article Source:

Health News:

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