Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Introduction to Migraines

Migraine is a severe form headache. There are many types of treatments and medications for it. See some of them here.

Migraine is the neurological syndrome of headaches, bodily perceptions and nausea. It is a French word derived from two words. The Greek word called hemicrania means half skull, and the English word megrim means severe headache. The very common type of migraine is a headache. It usually lasts from 4 to 72 hours. The common symptoms of this include photophobia, vomit nausea and hyperacusis.

There have been many other symptoms of migraine that may be experienced by a patient. Some become extra sensitive to light, noise and foul odors. Others may have blurred visions. Upset stomach, loss of appetite and abdominal pain can also be experienced. It is possible for some to experience fever, fatigue and dizziness. There are many other symptoms usually just taken for granted.

The initial treatment can be analgesic for those who are suffering migraine headaches. People suffering nausea can have anti-emetic for starters. It is also best to avoid triggering conditions. Paracetamol or the one we call the non-steroid anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDs) can also be an effective remedy. These are just over the counter medicines and cheap to buy.

Other migraine treatments include serotonin agents or what we call the triptans, anti-depressants, ergot alkaloids and steroids. There are also other agents you can use, that could only be administered with prescription from your doctor. Doctors would usually prescribe Amidrine for those with severe headache. Those vomiting could be given injections or anti-emetics.

There are also herbal treatments for migraine though with no actual scientific basis. There are only what they call open label study for evidences. One of the more popular herbal treatments is called the Cannabis. It is more of a prevention, taken when one is stressed or over working to prevent headaches.

There will be times when a treatment may seem ineffective. It could be that that person already developed immunity for that certain brand or pill. He should try shifting to another form of treatment, one which his body is not accustomed to yet.

For those who suffer high blood pressure due to migraine, they are given the Inderal or Covera medications. For antidepressants, there are Elavil and Pamelor as the leading medicines. There are also medications for anti-seizure; these are Neurontin, Depakote and Topamax.

The above mentioned medications are just some of the available medications that are given to migraine patience. There are many other medications that are given to the migraine patience. Some of them are discussed below.

Imitrex could alleviate severe migraine attacks. It is not prescribed to people who have uncontrolled hypertension, risk of coronary artery disease and hemiplegic migraine. It is not good to take if you have taken other triptans or ergotamine within 24 hours. Exercise caution before drinking the pill. Make sure you are well rested first. The doctor must see to it that the patient does not have kidney and liver diseases also. The heartbeat should be regular. The patient should have no heart disease nor with any records of a previous stroke attack.

Migraines are caused by many factors. For women, it is possible to have this just before having her menstruation. Some would experience it when working in front of the computer too much. The eyes are strained unnecessarily and cause the head to throb painfully. Whatever the reason may be, make sure that you do not become overly dependent on drugs. Consult your doctor first before self-medicating.

For more information on Migraine Treatments and Migraine Medicationsplease visit our website.

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Chiropractor in Bolingbrook, IL | Holistic Remedies for Headaches

There are a few things that everyone on this planet has in common; we all come into the world the same way, we will all die one day and we all get headaches.  One more thing, we also all hate headaches.  

Depending upon how bad your head hurts, it can be mildly irritating or it can shut down your entire day.  Since not many of us can have our entire day shut down due to a headache, you need a way to get rid of the pain fast.  There are some great holistic remedies to help rid you of your headaches, if you would rather not use over the counter drugs.

The best tip to rid yourself of a headache is to sleep.  If at all possible, take a break from your busy day and take a nap.  Often, this is all that is needed for the body to solve whatever the problem is that is causing the headache.  The best place to choose for the nap is somewhere quiet and dark, or at least as close as humanly possible.

If a quiet place for a nap is not a possibility, another alternative might be to find a quiet place (where ever you may be), take a deep breath, close your eyes and rest your head in the palms of your hands.  Relax.  Continue to take the deep breaths while keeping your eyes closed.

Sometimes, this is enough to put the aching head at bay.  While this isn’t a substitute for a good long nap, it can often stave off the headache until a nap can be taken.

The next time you suffer from a headache, you may want to try applying a warm compress to the area where the pain is the strongest.  Many times a headache is caused by a restriction of the blood flow; a warm compress can help the body open the blood vessels in a specific area, thereby increasing the blood flow.  As the blood flow is increased, the headache tends to decrease.

The blood flow restriction cure also works with the consumption of caffeine.  While caffeine may not necessarily be considered a holistic remedy, it can do wonders for anyone suffering from a headache.  For this reason, caffeine is the main ingredient of many over the counter drugs that are marketed as headache pain relief.  

If you have recently (or are currently) attempted to wean yourself from caffeine use, this may be the only relief available to you.  It is best not to quite caffeine "cold turkey", this should be done slowly or headaches are sure to appear.

If you haven’t had a chance to eat for the day, this could cause a drop in blood sugar, resulting in a headache.  Try to eat something nutritious and good for you.  This could be all that is needed to obtain complete pain relief.

If you have tried these and other remedies with no relief, or if your headache continues, it may be time to consult your doctor.

Do you suffer from chronic low back pain, headaches, spinal surgery, or want to lose weight? The Incorporation of Progressive Rehabilitation with latest in chiropractic care will help. Use of non-surgical spinal decompression, nutritional counseling, weight loss with the Triple Pledge Satisfaction.
For more info, go to

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Friday, October 23, 2009

Headaches and Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD/TMJ)

Have you ever had a headache that was so bad you could feel your pulse in you temples? This may be a tension headache due to TMD/TMJ. TMD is basically any disorder or malfunctioning of the temporomandibular joint, which is the joint that connects the jaw to the skull. It is thought to give you headaches because of all the stress and overworking of the muscles in the jaw, neck, shoulders, and face.

Why does TMD/TMJ cause headaches?

When the jaw joints are misaligned all of the muscles around them are overworked and stressed. This straining reaches out to the other muscles and nerves in the region causing tension. This lessens blood flow to the affected region. The body tries to compensate by sending more blood to the area raising blood pressure to high and creating these tension headaches. These are sometimes referred to as vascular headaches. Also, constantly grinding your teeth can overwork your jaw muscles and joints, leading to a joint problem that can lead to many other symptoms, including headaches.

Often these headaches are misdiagnosed by a doctor, not a dentist, as migraines and they might prescribe pain medication along with physical therapy. This will only mask the problem, leading to temporary relief, but the long term problem which may be TMD, will remain. Too many people are choosing to live with the short term answer and not take care of the real problem which would benefit them greatly in the future.

A dentist, especially a neuromuscular dentist, would start by figuring out if your jaw is in its optimal position. If he/she figures out that you do have TMD you could be well on your way to long-term recovery and pain free living. Many people don’t figure that a dentist could fix their headache problem, but if you understand that all of these muscles and joints work together, then just the littlest problem with this system can throw the whole process off and lead to pain.

The jaw and face area is a very complex working of bones, joints, muscles, and nerves. A neuromuscular dentist knows this and is trained to deal with all of these problems to relieve your headaches and other TMD related pain. By realigning your bite and repositioning your jaw joints you could be on your way to headache free living.

If you live in the Reston, Fairfax, or Tysons Corner areas and you think that your headaches might be TMD/TMJ related, please visit the website of experienced neuromuscular dentist Dr. Michael Chung today.

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Caffeine: A Migraine Threat?

Migraine sufferers have a love-hate relationship with caffeine. For many, the vasoconstrictor helps alleviate their migraine pain. For one and the same number, the caffeine is a migraine headache trigger. The bond between caffeine and migraines is anything but uncomplicated.
For caffeine addicts who realize that their daily cuppa is a migraine trigger, the problem of caffeine is especially thorny.


People who repeatedly utilize large quantities of caffeine time and again experience withdrawal headaches if they do not get their normal java jolt. If they are inclined to migraines, the headache they get if they cut back the caffeine is going to be a doozy. Many people suppose caffeine withdrawal alone can produce a migraine. Customary caffeine-aholics are recommend to reduce their caffeine intake gradually so they do not launch their body into withdrawal.

Scores of migraine pain relievers contain caffeine. The vasoconstrictive action of caffeine assists to mitigate migraine pain for a variety of people. One existing hypothesis of what exactly goes on in the head during migraine suggests that arteries in the temple get sore during an attack and vasoconstriction would reduce the growth.

Another probable rationale to include caffeine in a migraine treatment is because it acts as an enhancement to the core analgesic. Examinations have shown that a lot of analgesics run more helpfully and pack a greater punch when paired with caffeine, though no one is sure precisely why.

Caffeine shows up in countless unanticipated places, so migraineurs who are sensitive to it (not all are) need to be vigilant label readers. Each person knows about beverages, things like coffee and colas. Caffeine is also found in a lot of clear or fruit-flavored sodas. Caffeine can be found in chocolate; the darker the chocolate the more caffeine it has. Caffeine is in a lot of existing analgesics, and not constantly noticeably labeled. Migraineurs should be markedly careful of caffeine in accessible migraine formulas of customary medications.

By: Mayfair Jaz

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If you are searching online for natural migraine headache treatments there are many more migraine articles for you to read including a free 5 part mini course of migraine information. Read other articles written to assist in all types of personal problems like new migraine treatments at my "Hopefully Helpful blog. Good luck Jasmine...

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Home Cures For Migraines That are Effective and Eliminate Pain Quickly

Home Cures For Migraines That are Natural and Releive Pain Quickly

There are numerous good home cures for migraines to alleviate the discomfort and discomfort related to migraine headaches. A number of folks have found relief using these strategies and have been successful in stopping migraine discomfort naturally. Home cures for migraines are commonly times over looked. When the general public experience migraine headache agony, they first resort to over-the-counter or prescription medications. However, in addition to standard treatment, it is feasible to stop migraine pain naturally, using natural treatments or alternative therapies.

But before you can analyze some of the home cures for migraines, you want to first figure out what triggers your migraine. The truth is there are nearly as many different triggers as there are migraine sufferers. It's been found , however , that many migraines are a result of a number of of the following factors.

The first migraine trigger may come from your parents. If one or both of your parents suffered from migraines, there's a good chance that you will get them too.

The food you eat can bring on migraines. Alcohol, processed cheese, caffeine, chocolate, synthetic sweeteners and seasonings ( MSG ) are known to cause migraines in some individuals. In addition, stress, too much or not enough sleep, changes in the weather, time section, or altitude can bring on a migraine attack. And lastly, external factors, such as bright lights, certain smells ( perfumes ), or second-hand smoke may cause migraines. Following are many natural home cures for migraines.

Relieving tension can regularly relieve migraine headaches. Tension can be relieved in some ways like with biofeedback training, taking a warm bath or shower, lying down and resting in a quiet dark room, putting something cold on the back of the neck ( at the base of the skull ) or having somebody massage your neck muscles and doubtless your temporal area to help to relieve your tension and muscle seizures. Routine exercise can also, over time, reduce tension.

Chiropractic care could be a great alternative treatment for migraine headaches and is considered to a safe, non-invasive way to relieve migraine suffering without the use of medicine. Chiropractic migraine treatment is not for everyone, but it could be especially useful for patients who can't use prescription medication due to other risk factors.

If you have attempted the home cures for migraines without any success you'll need a more centered approach. Get further info by downloading my natural Home Cures For Migraines !

Get additional information by downloading my natural Home Cures For Migraines !

Article Source:'s-health-articles/home-cures-for-migraines-that-are-effective-and-eliminate-pain-quickly-1286307.html

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Cluster Migraine Headaches Causes

Cluster migraines are recurrent and rather critical kinds of migraines that ordinarily occur in contrasting time periods. These are believed to be one of the most irritating forms of migraines that people can have and may make people to have severe pain surrounding the eyes and temples. This pain might last between 15 to 180 minutes and might go to the face and neck.

People who hurt from these will experience them nearly each day through the whole day. Research presents that they are most common in men than women. Unluckily nobody is able to find out the exact cause of them though some think the trigeminal nerve is responsible. It is possible that this nerve will contain certain sensations from the head all the way to the brain that ends in the blood vessel that is around the brain.


It is essential to learn how to describe the symptoms of these so that your physician has a better time diagnosing the problem. It will likewise help you to understand which medications you should be taking to help deflect them.

  • Stuffy and runny nose
  • Intense stabbing pain surrounding the eyes, temple, and neck
  • Redness and tearing in one eye
  • Droopy eyelid


There are two common ways in which these kinds of migraines are commonly handled. Most people will utilize drug therapies referred to as preventive and abortive. The abortive medications help to stop and lessen the pain caused by the cluster migraine. Preventive medicine will help to reduce the amount of attacks that individuals feel.

There are many different Kinds Of Migraine Headaches that people deal with. Migraine Health Research is being done all the time to find better treatments for them.

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Friday, October 9, 2009

4 Homeopathic Remedies For Headaches

Migraines Are  Terribly Painful Headaches That Can Be Quite Debilitating. Only One Side Of The Head Is Involved Altering Circulation To Your Scalp And Brain. This Affects A Person'S Perception And Mental Functions. Migraines Cause You To Be Nauseous With Vomiting, Sweating, And Chills.

It'S A Really Miserable Experience With Visual Disturbances As Well. A Tendency Toward Migraines Are Genetic And Allergic Factors Also Play A Part. Migraine Attacks Are Sometimes Triggered By Stress, Exposure To Certain Foods Or Additives (Especially Nitrates.)  Chemicals Like Chlorine Or Others Found In Cleaning Products Can Be Triggers, Too.

Chiropractors Maintain That Some Migraines Start In The Spine.  A Misalignment Of  Vertebrae Will Aggravate The Nerves That Travel From Your Spine To Your Brain. The Misalignment Can Make A Person More Prone To The Chemical Imbalances In The Brain That Cause Migraines.

Homeopathic Remedies Also Give Many People Relief Of Symptoms. If Done In The Early Stages Homeopathic Remedies Are Very Effective.

4 Homeopathic Migraine Remedies Revealed:

Belladonna:  Is Used For Headaches That Start In The Back Of The Head Or Top Of The Neck. The Pain Then Spreads To Your Forehead And Temple. Pain That Is Throbbing Or Gets Much Worse From Jarring, Light, And Noise Could Benefit From This Remedy.

This Type Of Migraine Also Causes The Face To Become Flushed And Red. The Skin Feels Hot To The Touch While The Feet And Hands Are Cold. The Pupils Will Be Dilated, With Special Sensitivity To Light,.

Spigelia: Terrible Headaches That Are Usually On The Left Area Of The Head Can Benefit From Spigelia. Serious Throbbing Pains Or Darting Pains Above Or Through The Eye May Respond To This Remedy.

Pain Will Extend Through The Face And Will Worsen From Motion Or Touch. Someone With This Type Of Headache May Find Relief From Lying On Their Right Side With Their Head Supported, Keeping Still.

Sanguinaria: Right-Sided Migraines That Have Tension In The Neck Or Shoulder And Extend To The Forehead With An Extreme Bursting Feeling In The Eye Can Often Be Relieved With This Remedy.

These Headaches Will Improve After Vomiting, Burping Or Passing Gas, And Are Often Less Severe After Sleep.

People Who Need This Remedy Often Come Down With Headaches After Missing A Meal. They May Also Have Digestive Problems And Allergies

Lachesis: Left-Side Migraine Headache With Congested, Pulsing Pain. People With This Type Of Headache Will Look Deeply Flushed Or Blotchy. They Are Sometimes Worse Before A Menstrual Period And Better Once It Has Begun.

If You Are Suffering From Migraines And Have Had Little Relief From Traditional Painkillers, You Should Consider A Visit To A Chiropractor And Using Homeopathic Methods In Tandem.

Painkillers Are Often No Match For The Excruciating Pain From Migraines. Homeopathic Remedies That Are Specific To Your Systems Will Pinpoint The Pain. Additionally, A Visit To The Chiropractor Could Realign Your Spine And Relieve The Affected Nerves.

Do you suffer from chronic low back pain, headaches, spinal surgery, or want to lose weight?
The Incorporation of Progressive Rehabilitation with latest in chiropractic care will help. Use of non-surgical spinal decompression, nutritional counseling, weight loss with the Triple Pledge Satisfaction.
For more info, go to

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TMD/TMJ and Headaches

The temporomandibular joints are located on both sides of your face, in front of your ears where they connect your jaw to your skull. They are the most complex joints in your body because they pivot as well as slide. The movement of your jaw is controlled by a complicated muscle system which is in turn controlled by the central nervous system.

What is TMD/TMJ?

TMD/TMJ or temporomandibular joint disorder is a term used to describe a group of diseases or conditions that involve this jaw joint.

The symptoms of TMD/TMJ can appear gradually over time or as a result of an injury or trauma, such as a blow to the face or head or as a result of injuries in an automobile accident. Even habitual teeth grinding, clenching, gum chewing or cradling a telephone between your shoulder and the side of your head can trigger TMD/TMJ.

What are the symptoms of TMD/TMJ?

Temporomandibular joint disorder has a variety of symptoms including headache and facial pain. The pain of TMD/TMJ is often described as headache, facial or dental pain, pain in the jaw joints, ear pain or pressure and neck, back, shoulder and chest pain. Other symptoms of TMD/TMJ may include:

  • The inability to fully  open or close your jaw
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Tinnitus or ringing in your ears
  • Tingling in arms and hands
  • Insomnia
  • Depression

What does the Headache Caused by TMD/TMJ Feel Like?

The pain from TMD/TMJ can be sharp and searing but can also be described as dull and aching  just below the ear on one or both sides and may expand to the temples, the middle of the face, or across the top of the skull. The headaches from TMD/TMJ have, at times, been described as “pounding migraines” and are often also confused with tension or sinus headaches. The headache may be accompanied by dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Clicking, grating and popping noises may also be noticed when the temporomandibular joint is in motion, and your face may appear swollen or deviated to one side.

Medication prescribed for headache pain does not treat the underlying cause of the pain. A neuromuscular dentist is trained to treat the cause of the symptoms associated with the pain of temporomandibular joint disorder.

Residents of Calgary, Alberta who suffer from temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD/TMJ) should visit the website of Dr. Steven Cload at Southcentre Dental Clinic today to learn about the therapies available to alleviate your pain.

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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Prevent Migraine Headaches Naturally - Learn the Natural Cure

Most people who experience migraine headaches are quick to take some form of medication. It is just our first instinct but is it really that safe? There are many various health hazards that can come about by taking medication every time you are in pain. A lot of people believe that medications are the fastest way towards getting rid of the pain from a migraine headache but honestly it is not. There are many faster ways in which you can relieve the pain. And no they do not come in a form of any sort of medication or prescription. In fact you won't even have to leave your house to find it.

People are starting to cure their problem naturally. It is much healthier and won't cause you any harm. And that is a very good to be able to be guaranteed that there are methods out there that are safe for you but also work quick. For example pain from a migraine headache can be relieved by simply drinking more water. If you want to start preventing those head bursting pains then drink more water everyday. It is not just healthy for you but also is a very important aspect towards overall health. The next time you are feeling a headache coming, drink some water. It will greatly help.

By following a simple tip like this you will be enabling yourself to naturally get rid of those awful headaches. You should not have to live your life in pain. Start preventing migraine headaches now with simple tips like these.

(ArticlesBase ID #1267738)

Migraines can steal your life away from you. There is an effective treatment for migraine headaches that doesn't just treat the symptoms, it gets to the root of the problem. If you are tired of letting your migraines rules your life and if you feel that you are missing out on the things you enjoy, there is help. Learn a guaranteed, natural way to overcome migraines from this informative site!

Don't allow your migraines to rule your life one more moment. If you want to change the situation, there is a safe, effective and guaranteed approach. You can start living pain free today.

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Natural Cure For Migraine Headaches - Stop the Pains

What a lot of people do not realize is that they can naturally get rid of migraine headaches. They do not need to live their life full of unwanted pain. No one should have to suffer from something that is not necessary. That is why there are many ways in which you can start getting rid of that pain fast. If you are experiencing migraine headaches just like many other people and want relief now, than keep reading.

There are multiple ways that people are already getting rid of the pains. And no it does not involve taking a trip to the emergency. There is no need to spend money on something like that when you can cure them faster at home. People are using natural means to get rid of their migraine headaches. They are way safer and do not cost nearly as much as a hospital bill might.

So how do you get started? Well first of all just like anything else you need to eat properly and exercise. By eating healthier and being active are important things for pretty much everyone. In order to begin getting rid of the pain you need to eat healthy. Choose things like fresh fruits and vegetables. They are full of all the necessary vitamins and nutrients we need everyday. So stop making bad choices when it comes to food. Exercise is the second most important aspect towards getting rid of migraine headaches. And all I mean by exercise is going for a long walk or running. You do not have to start lifting weights. Exercise has many different definitions.

By following a few easy tips like these you will be well on your way towards relieving the pains. No more will you have to live your life in pain. This may not be a full prevention for migraine headache pains, but there are ways out there.

(ArticlesBase ID #1267740)

Migraines can steal your life away from you. There is an effective treatment for migraine headaches that doesn't just treat the symptoms, it gets to the root of the problem. If you are tired of letting your migraines rules your life and if you feel that you are missing out on the things you enjoy, there is help. Learn a guaranteed, natural way to overcome migraines from this informative site!

Don't allow your migraines to rule your life one more moment. If you want to change the situation, there is a safe, effective and guaranteed approach You can start living pain free today.

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