Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Introduction to Migraines

Migraine is a severe form headache. There are many types of treatments and medications for it. See some of them here.

Migraine is the neurological syndrome of headaches, bodily perceptions and nausea. It is a French word derived from two words. The Greek word called hemicrania means half skull, and the English word megrim means severe headache. The very common type of migraine is a headache. It usually lasts from 4 to 72 hours. The common symptoms of this include photophobia, vomit nausea and hyperacusis.

There have been many other symptoms of migraine that may be experienced by a patient. Some become extra sensitive to light, noise and foul odors. Others may have blurred visions. Upset stomach, loss of appetite and abdominal pain can also be experienced. It is possible for some to experience fever, fatigue and dizziness. There are many other symptoms usually just taken for granted.

The initial treatment can be analgesic for those who are suffering migraine headaches. People suffering nausea can have anti-emetic for starters. It is also best to avoid triggering conditions. Paracetamol or the one we call the non-steroid anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDs) can also be an effective remedy. These are just over the counter medicines and cheap to buy.

Other migraine treatments include serotonin agents or what we call the triptans, anti-depressants, ergot alkaloids and steroids. There are also other agents you can use, that could only be administered with prescription from your doctor. Doctors would usually prescribe Amidrine for those with severe headache. Those vomiting could be given injections or anti-emetics.

There are also herbal treatments for migraine though with no actual scientific basis. There are only what they call open label study for evidences. One of the more popular herbal treatments is called the Cannabis. It is more of a prevention, taken when one is stressed or over working to prevent headaches.

There will be times when a treatment may seem ineffective. It could be that that person already developed immunity for that certain brand or pill. He should try shifting to another form of treatment, one which his body is not accustomed to yet.

For those who suffer high blood pressure due to migraine, they are given the Inderal or Covera medications. For antidepressants, there are Elavil and Pamelor as the leading medicines. There are also medications for anti-seizure; these are Neurontin, Depakote and Topamax.

The above mentioned medications are just some of the available medications that are given to migraine patience. There are many other medications that are given to the migraine patience. Some of them are discussed below.

Imitrex could alleviate severe migraine attacks. It is not prescribed to people who have uncontrolled hypertension, risk of coronary artery disease and hemiplegic migraine. It is not good to take if you have taken other triptans or ergotamine within 24 hours. Exercise caution before drinking the pill. Make sure you are well rested first. The doctor must see to it that the patient does not have kidney and liver diseases also. The heartbeat should be regular. The patient should have no heart disease nor with any records of a previous stroke attack.

Migraines are caused by many factors. For women, it is possible to have this just before having her menstruation. Some would experience it when working in front of the computer too much. The eyes are strained unnecessarily and cause the head to throb painfully. Whatever the reason may be, make sure that you do not become overly dependent on drugs. Consult your doctor first before self-medicating.

For more information on Migraine Treatments and Migraine Medicationsplease visit our website.

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